

This version was saved 16 years, 3 months ago View current version     Page history
Saved by khaipi
on November 19, 2008 at 1:59:21 am

Sizang Knowledgebase(Kb)/Wiki/Collaborative Portal.


Wiki - A tom In zak thei na tu dan att sin tong...


What is a Wiki? A wiki is a website that anyone can contribute to by creating new pages or editing existing pages. A wiki makes it easy for a dispersed community to work together, furthering common goals and sharing information. The goal of this document is to help you understand wiki’s and how they can benefit sizang [history research]. (??)


A Ki cing zaw Sim thei na tu sia.. "Some useful Information on Wiki or Social Collaboration" pan en kak thei tu.


Sizang is ......


Edit me.




Sizang Society




Sizang Wiki News

  • 15.11.2008 in tu kum 2 sung Khaipi hi Sizang mailing list sun son pui na teng a tu a ki pak - http://khaipi.net/dev/sizang/doku.php - pan in sizang.pbwiki.com ah zak ol zaw leh mi tam zaw in active in na seam khop thei na tu - ki change hi. Mai lam sang in Khaipi na pbwiki professional service lak tu zong ki kum nuam ci hi.
  • Sizang Wiki/Knowledge Portal - todo lists att te pua pui tek tong.


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