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Sizang Ngeina Labu

Page history last edited by khaipi 15 years, 11 months ago

Sizang Ngeina Labu - by Dr. Pau Za Nang




Foreword This Collection of Sizang lyrics is definitely a unique performance. It is unique on the ground that (1) the compiler is my cherished friend and roommate for several years, but I never knew that he was ever interested in cultures and traditional songs. His sudden interest in them now confirms the fact that our traditional songs and lyrics are our great heritage that cannot and will not be totally neglected. People may be influenced by doses of westernstyle musics but still, there always remain certain persons who store our invaluable heritage in the small corners of their hearts. People may come and go, but our cultures will remain the same, at

least in the form of songs and lyrics. Again, it is unique because (2) in this ultra-modern age, people are not contented with what they are, but they even try to evacuate this world and live in the outer cosmic space. Nevertheless, the compiler, Dr.Pau Za Nang ventures a way that will enable us to come into contact with the ancient past. This indeed is a noble labour that should be honoured. There is a saying, “Every generation revolts against its fathers and makes friends with its grandfathers”. People generally do not wish to leave out their ancestry. In this decade, it is encouraging to see that the acceleration of culture is itself speeded up more and more. The younger generations are keen to use our traditional poetic words when they compose and write songs. In fact, the tune of our traditional songs has only three notes and is somewhat monotonous. But if we attentively ponder their deeper meaning, they are not inferior to songs and poems of other nations. It is also a fact that the poetic words of traditional lyrics touch the heart of people much more than the ordinary words. May this and his future collections impact and enrich the minds of the younger generations so as to be able to show the world that we have God-given fascinating and enjoyable cultures of our own.


Date: 17-8-2007

Dr.Mang Cin Pau, Yangon


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Sizang Ngeina Labu





Comments (1)

khaipi said

at 5:41 am on Dec 21, 2008

ka dei khat sia... sia Sizang Ngeina Labu - pha ma ma sung - la - te Audio tawh zong om leh - pha ma ma seam seam ci in ngei sun ing.


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